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Start 2024 with Proper Plant Health Care

Many of us are spending more time indoors to avoid the bitter cold weather, but now is a good time to be proactive in thinking about the upcoming growing season. Our Plant Health Care department is sending out our annual renewal letters to our current PHC customers. Be on the lookout in your email and mailboxes for those plans that are specific to your property, along with a discount offer. If you aren’t a current Plant Health Care customer, read this blog to determine how our PHC services can benefit your trees and shrubs. Let’s a take a look at the core pieces that make up our Plant Health Care system.

What is Plant Health Care?

According to treesaregood.com, “The objective of Plant Health care (PHC) is to maintain or improve the landscape’s appearance, vitality, and safety using the most effective and environmentally sensitive practices and treatments available.”

If this definition of Plant Health Care is implemented properly, it eliminates many upsell tactics that use blanket spray programs instead of identifying a problem and determining the best and most environmentally friendly route of treating. The outdated practice of a “one-size-fits-all” does not take into account what is best for the ecosystem in your landscape.

What is included in a good Plant Health Care program?

Integrated Pest Management

While Plant Health Care focuses on the plant as a whole, IPM focuses on the pest and how to best manage it. Pests on your trees and shrubs may be inevitable, but every good PHC program involves Integrated Pest Management. IPM tactics provide health and longevity to your trees and shrubs while being environmentally responsible. Where many companies may suggest spraying every few weeks through the summer, Integrated Pest Management is a way to identify a problem before automatically spraying chemicals into the environment that could end up causing more damage in the long run.

Prevention and management

Include properly identifying the plants on your property and knowing the insects and diseases they are susceptible to. Prevention is the best practice and can be done by keeping plants healthy; healthy plants are less susceptible to insects and diseases. Some services that can help are our organic fertilizer program, using systemic insecticides that have minimal impact on the environment and stay in the plant through the season to provide protection, and a trained arborist providing you with insight and guidance on environmental stressors like water, compaction, and animal damage.

Timely inspections

What exactly is a Plant Health Care Inspection? An arborist will thoroughly inspect all trees and shrubs on your property for health and issues, identifying each species and understanding its susceptibility. Environmental stressors, such as frost damage, drought stress, trunk wounds, girdling roots, etc., will be assessed, and practical steps to mitigate these issues will be provided. Our expertise extends to recognizing specific pests affecting each plant and understanding the timing of pest activity. As pests and diseases are usually species-specific, we understand that the Apple Scab affecting your Crabapple won’t pose a threat to your Arborvitae. Similarly, the Scale insects on your Japanese Maples won’t transfer to your Azaleas. When inspecting the Ash tree on your property, we’ll promptly notify you about the potential threat of the deadly Emerald Ash Borer and provide guidance on prevention measures. How many inspections should you have each season? This depends on your tolerance, how many and the variety of plants on the property, and their pest susceptibility. Monthly inspections through the active pest season (May-August) is recommended as pest emergence and active timing varies season by season and pest by pest.

We offer many services to help with your tree needs. From pruning, removals, stump grinding, planting, and various Plant Health Care services. Give us a call to learn more about how our Plant Health Care Department will benefit your trees and shrubs. Don’t delay; invest in the health of your trees and shrubs today!