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Below are some of our most frequently received questions. If you don't see what you're looking for below, please contact us!

One of the first things you should look for is a certificate of insurance indicating that they are fully insured to do the job. Then, check their professional certifications through organizations like the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), which demonstrate that they have undergone the correct training and education to safely perform the job. Tree care is a dangerous job, so the right tree care company will have the proper equipment and personal protective gear for the task.

Each job is different. No two trees are the same, have the same needs, or are in the same location. Many factors go into bidding for tree work. For this reason, we need to be on site to see the tree in order to provide a price.

A certified arborist is a professional in the tree care industry who has years of experience, passed a comprehensive exam to receive their certification, maintains continuing education credits, has proper insurance, and follows a code of ethics. Everyone on staff at Cherokee Tree Care is either a certified arborist or an arborist trainee.

It is important to hire a tree care company with proper insurance. We are dedicated to the safety of our team and your property. Just because a company says they are fully insured does not mean they carry property liability and worker’s comp insurance. We are insured with both and you will be provided with a copy when you receive a proposal from us.

Inspections are a service offered by our Plant Health Care department. During an inspection, a trained professional will examine all the trees and shrubs on your property for insect, disease, and environmental issues. We spray on an as-needed basis only, preventing unnecessary chemical usage that can cause more problems in your landscape. Many companies use blanket spray programs, with scheduled sprays multiple times throughout the season, even if there is no issue. We take a more environmentally conscious approach. With each inspection, you will receive a written report of our findings and any recommendations regarding watering, mulch, etc. We recommend multiple inspections throughout the growing season, as pest emergence dates vary.

Yes. Clean-up of limbs, brush, and wood is included in the price unless otherwise noted. If you would like to do your own cleanup, this is a great way to receive a discount on your pruning/removal work.

Yes. When you call for a proposal, let our office know you’d like the wood left and if you’d like it cut or left in whole pieces. This will alter the price of your proposal depending on how you’d like us to leave the wood.

Natural wood chips offer many benefits around trees, such as retaining moisture, protecting trees from mowers, and adding fertility to the soil as they break down. The mulch you receive from a tree care company is natural, meaning it will have some twigs and leaves and is not dyed. Arborists love to give away wood chips. What you need to know is that we cannot guarantee a certain amount. You’ll get what is in our chip truck at the time, which could be a huge load. We will need to dump it in an easily accessible spot when we are in your area. If you still want wood chips, sign up for free at Chip Drop

No, it is not necessary for you to be home. If you choose to be home to watch the work, you’re more than welcome to, but don’t feel that you need to take a precious vacation day off from work to have your trees trimmed. If you choose to stay home and watch the work, please either stay in the safety of your home or, if you must watch from outside, stay a safe distance away from all work and our ground crews. If a groundman asks you to move, it is for your safety.

Cherokee Tree Care uses climbers for most jobs. Climbing allows the best access and views of the tree. We also have a lift that is helpful in some scenarios. Our lift will fit through most gates and these methods have minimal impact on your yard/property.

When it comes to most tree species, how and where you make your pruning cuts is more important than when (spring, summer, fall, or winter). With the exception of Oaks and Elms, we can prune most trees any time of year. Oaks and elms, we avoid pruning mid-March through June to avoid the potential of deadly diseases Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm Disease.

Oak Wilt | Missouri Department of Conservation (mo.gov)

We always recommend mulch for trees. Wood mulch has many benefits, including moisture retention, keeping mowers away, and adding fertility to the soil as it breaks down. However, there is a proper way to mulch. Create a 2-4” thick layer of mulch around your tree, ensuring it does not touch the trunk.

Watering guidelines for your trees.


Good slow soaking (10-15 gallons per 5″ diameter)

80+ degree weather=every 3rd day.

65-70 degrees=every 5th day.

50-60 degrees=every 7 days.

35-45 degrees=every 14-15 days.

**Sprinklers are NOT sufficient for watering trees. We recommend a drip-line or bringing a hose to the root zone of the tree for watering.** Please ensure sprinkler systems are not hitting the trunk or foliage of your trees which can cause long-term issues.

To avoid over-watering: Do the finger test! Stick your finger as far down into the soil at the root zone. Is it still damp? If so, don’t water just yet.

Every PHC plan is tailor-suited for your property and tree needs. An arborist from Cherokee Tree Care can recommend what is needed with minimal impact on the environment. Some pests such as scale will be treated until cleared up, then put on a monitoring program. Other pests, such as bagworms may need to be treated annually as they can come on the property from neighboring trees.

Each tree has different needs but keeping them on a routine pruning schedule is a great way to keep them healthy and structurally sound. If maintained, pruning usually only needs to be done every 2-3 years, with exceptions.

Give us a call! Emergencies happen and we prioritize storm damage by severity:

Storm 1 is top priority: trees on houses or cars.
Storm 2: Damage to fences or other structures on the property.
Storm 3: trees or limbs in the yard.

Topping trees used to be a common practice. It is no longer considered a good practice for trees for many reasons.

  1. Starvation-taking off more than 25% of a tree’s foliage at one time is never recommended. The leaf is the food-factory of the tree and when all foliage is removed, it can majorly stress a tree.
  2. Rapid sucker growth-a tree that has been topped will push out rapid new growth to try to compensate for the loss of foliage. This new growth is weak and generally poor in structure.
  3. Death-in some severe cases and with certain species that are intolerant of heavy pruning, topping can lead to death of the tree.
  4. Insects & Disease-open wounds can attract insects and be entryways for disease to enter the tree.

There are many options when it comes to pruning your trees properly. Give us a call and we will discuss what can be done and what is best for your tree.

When a tree is encroaching into primary power lines, we will need an “assist” from City Utilities. To work around power lines, workers need a special certification and tools. We need clearance of at least 10 feet from primary power lines before we can begin to work on your trees. If this is the case for your trees, we can arrange the CU Assist and properly prune the remaining tree.

Check out our video for our answer to this.

Many crabapples are prone to a few diseases in our area. The most common one being a fungal disease called Apple Scab

Blue spruces are very prone to a fungal disease called Needle Cast Disease in areas they are not native to. 

Ash trees across the country have been dying due to an invasive pest called the Emerald Ash Borer. 

We offer an injection that is good for 2 years to protect your Ash trees from this pest. Give us a call to see if your tree is a good candidate for this treatment.  

There’s a well-known motto in our industry; “Right tree, right place.” Finding the right tree for your space is a major factor in success. Some things to consider are space needs, sunlight ability, any nearby utilities, structures, fences, etc. We would love to help you make the best selection for your space and your needs.

Check out our recommended tree list.