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Insects and Disease Issues with your Trees and Shrubs

This is the time of year when I get numerous calls asking why the Dogwood didn’t flower or why the Maple is late to putting on its leaves. It’s also when I hear lots of stories and questions about specific insects and diseases.

Lacewing & Azalea

I’m an arborist and have an abundance of knowledge and experience with trees and shrubs. I understand some entomology, soil science and plant identification (although I do have to frequently take a tour of the nursery and see what’s new). How does the saying go? The more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know.

Here are the basics that I’d like to share to address those most frequently asked questions from my clients as I diagnosis and treat plant problems in the landscapes I care for:

 1) Insect and disease issues are very plant specific and they don’t normally move from plant to plant unless it’s a plant of the same kind. For instance, the Lacewing insect on the Azalea normally stays on that type of plant. That means there is no need to treat the Yews, the Spirea and the Boxwood for Lacewing, which will keep those unwanted chemicals from the environment and save you money. The Cedar Apple rust on your Hawthorn is not a problem for your Red Maple, and the Tulip Magnolia scale will not attack the Birch tree. You get the picture. So if you’re paying for someone to spray all the trees and shrubs in your yard four times a year, it’s time to look for another tree care service.

 2) A good arborist will tell you that timing is everything with plant health care. I have to identify the plant, know the life cycle of the pest that attacks it, and develop a schedule to treat the plant.  The treatment plan has to be specific to those plants using products that are safe to your plants, pets and the environment.

 3) Inspection is the key. Hire an arborist to inspect at the proper time and treat only as needed to save money and use less products. For the DIY home owner, I can do a walk thru with you and show you the key plants to keep an eye on as you make note of timing and pests.

 Thanks for loving your landscape and keeping it happy and healthy.

Tim Crews, Owner – Cherokee Tree Care

Contact Cherokee Tree Care today to request your free estimate! Let us handle those pesky pests on your trees and shrubs while you enjoy the beauty of spring.