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Keeping Trees Healthy During Winter

You know it’s fall when the trees are suddenly filled with an array of colors. The transitioning seasons can provide beautiful scenery, but one thing can’t be overlooked – the winter months are coming whether we’re ready for them or not. But don’t worry—we have some tips on how to keep trees healthy during winter.

Maple trees will drop their leaves before the winter to cut the water supply between the roots and leaves. When leaves drop from the maple, the tree will seal off the stem that connects the leaves to the tree, thus preventing further freeze.

The leaves on oak trees die during the winter, but often the tree will retain its dead leaves. One possible explanation for this could be that retained leaves trap snow and use the snow as a way to ensure the tree remains hydrated. Others believe that oak tree leaf retention is the tree’s natural way of deterring unwanted, potentially harmful attention from animals.

These trees have natural survival techniques, but in some cases, additional assistance is required in order for the trees on your property to survive the winter.

Oaks and maples that do not receive enough water throughout the year are more likely to break when the weather conditions get rough. To prevent dehydration, consider antitranspirants to reduce the amount of moisture that escapes the plant through evaporation. For younger and more fragile trees, tree covers and windbreakers can be used to prevent further damage.

While maple and oak trees have unique winter survival techniques, you should always be aware of situations where professional help is needed. Contact us for a free estimate and we will do our part to make sure your trees stay healthy this winter!