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The Process of Compartmentalization in Trees

As an arborist, it is important to know how trees work to know how to properly care for them. In a previous blog, we have talked about proper pruning cuts.

Flush cuts leave a larger wound opening, and damages trunk tissue, leaving the tree vulnerable and susceptible to pests, diseases, and decay. A proper pruning cut is a clean cut made at a 45-degree angle, outside of the branch collar.

Proper pruning cut for faster tree healing.Healing is the process of mending injured tissues, or restore to a former, healthy state. But instead of healing, trees “seal”, or compartmentalize. When a tree is properly cut, it is able to compartmentalize, or “wall off” decay.

This “sealing system” in trees is also known as CODIT which stands for Compartmentalization of Decay in Trees. It is a very complex and detailed system in which the tree reacts to wounds by each inner layer plugging and sealing over the wound to prevent decay.

Pruning wound on a tree that is almost completely sealed.As you can see in the picture to the right, over time, this pruning wound has been almost completely sealed.

Trees are amazingly complex and resilient. It is so important to learn how they grow and adapt to know the proper ways to maintain them. Give us a call and we would be happy to use our knowledge and experience to care for your trees!