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Tree of the Month: Chinese Fringe Tree

The Chinese Fringe Tree is small and slow-growing. This flowering tree is the perfect ornamental specimen for your landscape.

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Botanical Name: Chionanthus retusus


15-20 feet high and wide, when full-grown, it’s an ideal option for small yards or spaces. Versatile in nature, the Chinese Fringe Tree can also be grown as a multi stemmed shrub. The flowers are fringe-like, white, and fragrant – blooming in late spring. Female trees will also grow small, dark berries that are an attractant to birds. The foliage of the Chinese Fringe Tree turns yellow in the fall. Another interesting aspect is the exfoliating bark. The Chinese Fringe Tree is a great alternative to the Bradford Pear, which is notorious for weak branching unions and severe limb breakage during storms.

chinese fring berry - cherokee tree care

Hardiness Zone: Zones 5-9

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Requirements: The Chinese Fringe Tree requires full to partial sun. Be sure to give it plenty of water, especially in the heat of summer.

Pest Susceptibility: No serious pest problems, but is susceptible to cankers, mites, scale, and powdery mildew. While the White Fringe Tree (Chionanthus virginicus) was found to be susceptible to the Emerald Ash Borer, Chinese Fringe Trees are resistant to this insect.

We recommend the Chinese Fringe Tree for its showy flowers, easy maintenance, pest resistance, and year-round interest.

Looking for more ideas? Check out our tree recommendations – for a full list of options that thrive right here in Springfield, MO.

For help deciding which types of trees or shrubs would be best for your landscape and lifestyle – or to learn about our many other tree services – contact us. We’re proud to be your tree service company. Our local, certified arborists – are here and happy to help.